Children's Assistive Technology Service (C.A.T.S.)

Board Membership Agreement

 I, , understand that as a member of the Board of Directors of Children’s Assistive Technology Service (hereinafter “C.A.T.S.”), I am legally responsible for ensuring that C.A.T.S. achieves its mission and goals ethically and efficiently. I further agree that I will fulfill the following expectations:

  1. I will be knowledgeable about C.A.T.S.'s history, mission, and values.
  2. I will actively share the organization’s work and values with the community and act as a spokesperson for C.A.T.S.
  3. I agree to advocate on behalf of C.A.T.S. regularly. Advocacy may include sharing the organization's story at other organizations’ meetings, re-posting items through social media, and writing letters to the editor or public officials supporting the organization's interest.
  4. I will interpret our constituencies’ needs and preferences to C.A.T.S. and promote responsive and responsible services.
  5. I will attend at least 75 percent of board meetings, signature events, and fundraisers.
  6. I will recruit others to be involved in the organization as volunteers, supporters, or board members.
  7. I will raise funds for C.A.T.S. and strive to raise at least $5,000 in operations support and/or endowment funds.
  8. I will support the organization financially. A
  9. I will actively participate in C.A.T.S. major and location-specific fundraising campaigns.
  10. I agree to serve on at least one committee and as an officer of the Board when needed.
  11. I will stay informed about issues and matters of importance to C.A.T.S. and participate in and take responsibility for all governance decisions.

In recognition of my responsibility to financially support the organization in a meaningful and significant way, I pledge to contribute $ this fiscal year. I will pay my pledge in full by .

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Document name: Board Membership Agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: 3f1267b2f75d7e1f768e8f4b1a1e5e62d5b523a2
Timestamp Audit
August 6, 2024 3:54 am EDTBoard Membership Agreement Uploaded by CATS Administration - IP
August 6, 2024 4:38 am EDTTimp Hecht - added by CATS Administration - as a CC'd Recipient Ip: