Big Step-By-Step Communicator

Communication Loan Library:
• Items available only ON LOAN for 3 months
• Must be recommended by the child’s Speech Therapist – please put speech therapist contact information in the “notes” section of the item request form
• These items are available only to Hampton Roads residents

Made by AbleNet.  Record any series of messages directly into the BIG Step-by-Step communicator and press its activation surface for the first message. Press it again and BIG Step-by-Step automatically steps to the next message. With two full minutes of recording time, you can record as many messages as you need, divided any way you like.  Comes with Quickstart guide and red, blue, yellow and green switch covers.  Requires a 9 volt battery.

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SKU: HR-CLL-1804-31 Categories: , Tag:

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Hampton Roads